Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
2011 Picnic
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2011 Picnic - EHS 1957

Another perfect August Saturday ... we gathered with our classmates at the home of the Starkenburgs. Table decorations included old photos and articles from the old Edmonds Tribune Review, compliments of Gary Lee, and reminders to hold the date for our 55th reunion in 2012.
Starkenburgs' "Perfect Picnic Place"
Del & Dale
Our hosts, Del & Dale Witte Starkenburg

LaVay, Wallgren
Sheri LaVay (Dick Curry), Mia Mudge Wallgren
Dick Curry, Carol Yuill Clausen
Dick Curry, Carol Yuill Clausen
Ruth Nopson
Ruth Nopson

Rod Nopson, Barrett Worthington, Dick Curry
Rod Nopson, Barrett Worthington, Dick Curry
Sheri LaVay (Dick Curry), Lee Mullanax Calles
Sheri LaVay (Dick Curry), Lee Mullanax Calles
Peterson, Petersen
Barney Peterson, Curt Petersen

Bob Billington
Bob Billington
John & Pat Caryl Jorgensen
John & Pat Caryl Jorgensen.
special guest
A special guest! Always shows up.

Lee Mullanax Calles, Mia Mudge Wallgren
Gary Lee, Rod Nopson, Garry Thompson, Del Starkenburg
Gary Lee, Rod Nopson, Garry Thompson, Del Starkenburg
Bruce & Sharon Bailey

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