July 30, 2016
On a beautiful, sunny Saturday in July (with just enough clouds to avoid the heat of last year's event) the Edmonds High School class of 1957 gathered once again at Dale and Del Starkenburg's lovely home. Joined by friends and spouses, many from the classes of '55, '56 and '58, we had our photos snapped by our resident photographer, Jim McDermott, before gathering at tables on the lawn to visit.

Carin announced the plans for our 60th celebration next year, before we all headed in to fill our plates from the always scrumptious dining room table. There are exceptionally good cooks in this crowd! We ended the day with our annual group photo, and then bid each other farewell, promising to be here again for our 60th reunion ... July 28-29, 2017.

Special thanks go to Dale and Del, as well as their son and daughter-in-law, Andy and Rhonda, who provide so much help in preparation and serving. We are so very grateful!
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 Barrett Worthington |
 Dick Clausen '55 |