Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
2018 Picnic
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  Photos by Jim McDermott & Mary Lee  •  Pages for this album ...   1   2  •  Picnic Video 2018
Carin Nelson
   Picnic 2018 at the Starkenburg home in Brier was a delight as usual. Pre-paid attendees entered via the parking area to pick up their name badges this year, while the pay-on-arrival folks entered at the usual driveway spot with Carin Nelson in charge.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all as the stars-and-stripes rose into the intermittently overcast sky—which kept the predicted too hot weather tolerable. Classmates from 1955 to 1958 joined together in singing our alma mater, then engaged in friendly chit-chat before indulging in salads, salmon, burgers, beans, ribs, and rootbeer. For a few sweet hours it was deja vu once again—except for the absence of our beloved Del ... may he rest in peace.
Thank you to the Starkenburg family and all who made this day possible.
group photo
Class of '57 & friends ... July 28, 2018
Click on image for larger view

Gary Lee
Gary Lee - Traffic Cop
Buz Bauman - Chief Traffic Cop
Buz Bauman - Chief Traffic Cop

Sharon Bailey (Bruce), Judy Holfeldt Evans '58 (Bruce)
Tyler Starkenburg
Tyler Starkenburg
Dale's grandson & flag raiser

Andy Starkenburg - Chef extraordinaire
Dale, Rhonda
Our hostesses - Dale Starkenburg & Rhonda Starkenburg
(Dale's daughter-in-law)
Kjolso, Kjolso, Rogers, Bergere
Larry Kjolso '56, Tom Kjolso, Hank Rogers '56, Greg Bergere '58

Gary Lee, MC
Master of Ceremonies - Gary Lee
Memory boards
Names and faces of our Heavenly Tigers,
put together by Pat Caryl Jorgensen
Tigers who couldn't make it sent their regrets.
Click on image for larger view

Carolyn Ried, Gail Bergere (Greg'58), and
Joanne Bradbury Peterson '58.
Dukie (Barbara) Phillips, Tom Kjolso, Greg Bergere '58,
Larry Kjolso '56, Cathy Clement (Paul)
Pat Caryl Jorgensen, Judith Missler Harrison, Virginia Langland Bennett, Carol Yuill Clausen, Dick Clausen '56, Don Harrison '55

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