Picnic 2015 ...
On Saturday, August 1st, former classmates from Edmonds High School gathered in Brier for a summer picnic. Once again our gracious hosts, Del and Dale Starkenburg and their family, shared their home, hospitality and efforts for our enjoyment.

A total of seventy eight folks attended, including EHS classmates from 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958 and one from 1961. Two couples traveled from Arizona, and another from North Carolina, to join in the festivities. Under a very hot sun, we spent the afternoon visiting, eating, taking photos and drinking lots of homemade rootbeer and water!

Our sincere thanks to the Starkenburgs for making this gathering possible.
 Murphy, Del & Dale ... our awesome hosts! |
 Andy Starkenburg ... "Griller in Chief" |
 Rhonda Starkenburg ... daughter-in-law & Helper Extraodinaire! |
 Larry Kjolso ('56), Carin Nelson, Dick Curry |
 Judy Missler Harrison, Peg Buckmaster English |
 Harry ('55) & Ada Jeanne Dick Robinson, Rich Fleming |
 Hank Rogers ('56) |
 Helen Ohlen Gregory-Nopson ('58) & Jim Nopson ('58) |
 Larry & Janene Solver |
 Bruce Bailey, Noel Barlament |
 Marie Lynch Peterson |
 Darrell Harrison, Jerry Hillis |
 Carin Fenton Nelson |
 Carolyn Jorgenson, Barbara Crossman Skei |
 Marie Lynch Peterson, Darla Bauman, Barney Peterson, Buz Bauman |
 Rosemary Wilson Phillips, Larry Kjolso ('56) |
 Don & Ann Decoteau ('58) Asmus, Norma Decoteau |

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