Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
2010 Picnic
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Picnic 2010

As usual, the weather was perfect when we gathered at the home of Dale and Del Starkenburg to enjoy good food and the company of old friends!
Torun & Norma
Torun Ekenes Parker, Norma Doty
Janet Witter Goad
Janet Witter Goad

Billington, Sorenson, Fenton
Bob Billington, Robin Sorenson Gates, Carin Fenton Nelson
Peterson, Peterson, Mulanax
Barney Peterson, Curt Peterson, Lee Mulanax Calles
Tiger regrets

Gary Lee, Bruce Bailey
Gary Lee, Bruce Bailey
Julie, Sharon
Julie Langabeer (Kent), Sharon Bailey (Bruce)
Kent Langabeer
Kent Langabeer

Marie Lynch Peterson, Virginia Langland Bennett
Marie Lynch Peterson, Virginia Langland Bennett
Darrel Harrison
Darrel Harrison
Huseby, Curry, Nelson, Calles
Brian Huseby, Dick Curry, Carin Fenton Nelson, Lee Mulanax Calles

Rod, Harry
Rod Nopson, Harry Robinson
Brian, Norma
Brian Bailey, Norma Doty Cote
Louis Cote

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