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50th #42
Paul Clement, Jerry Hillis, Noel Barlament, Gus
50th #43
Carment Navarro and Brian Huseby, Judy Evans (Bruce).
50th #44
Bud Wallgren (Mia), and Jim Bauer

50th #45
Sherry Gamble Kenealy, Robin Sorensen Gates, Dorothy Tucker Railston, Dick Curry, Carin Fenton Nelson, Diane Setchfield Glenn
50th #46
David Bates, Richard Railston (Dorothy), Fendall Glenn (Diane)
50th #47
Jerry Hillis, Gus Johnson
50th #48
Barrett Worthington, Ada Dick Robinson, Carin Fenton Nelson
50th #49
Ada Dick Robinson, Carolyn Reid, Carin Fenton Nelson

50th #50
Ada Dick Robinson, Carol Bergerson
50th #51
Lorraine Balleaux Reil, Carin Fenton Nelson, Sharon Garland Kilbourne, Gerry Foxley Sall?
50th #52

50th #53
Carmen Navarro (Brian Huseby), Bud Wallgren (Mia), David Bates, Mia Mudge Wallgren, Paul & Cathy Clement
50th #54
Rod Nopson, Harry Robinson (Ada),
Ed & Marlene Ische Mills
50th #55
The Buffet

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