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       Our 50th reunion was held Saturday, August 25, 2007, at Embassy Suites in Lynnwood, Wash. A total of 140 people attended, including 83 classmates and four teachers—Robert Anderson (Music), Jim Rothnie (Coach/History), Frank Cunningham (English) and Jerry Karnofski (Coach).

      We enjoyed an excellent Pacific Northwest buffet, a slide show of photos sent in by classmates, sweet conversation punctuated with laughter and an unforgetable trip down memory lane with Bruce Evans and Dick Curry (see Remember When...).
50th #2
Previous reunion pictures board
50th #1
Memorial Board at 50th Anniversary Reunion

50th #3

Band & Chorus photo board
50th #4
Janet Witter Goad and hubby, Bob France
50th #5
Mia Mudge Wallgren, Virginia Langland Bennett

50th #6
Marie Lynch Peterson, Ada Dick Robinson, Kathleen Gowler Taylor
50th #7
Bev Berg Browne, Carol Bergerson
50th #8
MaryJo Hanley Healy, Paul Clement

50th #9
Barney Peterson (Curtiss) and Bill Browne (Bev Berg) (spouses)
50th #10
Suzanne Lozotte Gromko, Carolyn Reid
50th #11
Roy Wilson

50th #12
Dardin Price, Carol Clausen Yuill
50th #13
Bruce and Sharon Bailey
50th #14
Carole Grant Bakker, Lee Mulanax Calles

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