Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
Alderwood Manor Grade School
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Edmonds Grade School Directory

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Grade 6, 1950-51

ROW 4 (top): ______?, ______?, Geraldine Sims, ______?, Celeste Sims, Bonnie Ward, ______?, Gail Alwine, Charles Swinford
ROW 3: Deanne Axelson, Doris Johnson, Rose Marie Sponheim, Mia Mudge, Glenda Savage, Reinette Smith, ______?, ______?, Dorothy Hulse, Mrs. Sundby
ROW 2: ______?, Brenda______?, Barbara Crossman, ______?, ______?, ______?, Sharon Forsgren, Carol Bergerson
ROW 1 (front): Ted Jonson, ______?, ______?, ______?, Jim Bauer, ______?
If you can supply any of the missing information in this listing, contact Carin at info@edmonds57.org. Please include Grade level, class number, row number and student number in row (from left).  EXAMPLE: "Grade 4, Class II, Row 1, 3rd from left: John Doe" 

Gr 6 Swedes
Grade 6, Swedes
Grade 6, 1950-51

ROW 4 (top): Bobby Border, Leonard Raught, ______?, ______?, ______?, ______?, Paul Clement, Rod Nopson, Mrs. Swedes
ROW 3: Jimmy Williams, Patricia Connet, Virginia Langland, Linda Lindbloom, Esther Downing, Carolyn Wilson, Nita Joachim, Janice Hickox
ROW 2: ______?, ______?, Delores Eckhart, Reidun Hornli, Christine Johnson, ______?, ______?
ROW 1 (front): Harry Noah, Dardin Price, Dick Simas, Raymond Phelps, Garry DeWitt
If you can supply any of the missing information in this listing, contact Carin at info@edmonds57.org. Please include Grade level, class number, row number and student number in row (from left).  EXAMPLE: "Grade 4, Class II, Row 1, 3rd from left: John Doe" 

6th_Schneider Grade 6, 1950-51
Mr. Schneider

ROW 4 (top): Neal Stewart, Eddie Haller, Eddie Cole, Ray Walker, Leo Ortloft, Paul Martin, Darrel Harrison
ROW 3: Mr. Schneider, Willard Youst, Nancy Dartiz, Doris Owen, Annette Soderberg, Jo Anne Mikkelson, Noreen Sylte, Ada Jeanne Dick, Dick Mowlds
ROW 2: Minia Rowson, Torun Ekenes, Roxanna Chille, Nancy Dyorn, Marie Lynch, Beverly Ross
ROW 1 (front): Rollin Border, Duane Roberts, Calvin Whiting, Dick Swanson, Jack Palo, Jack Crabbs, Tommy Majestic, Walter Stevens
If you can supply any of the missing information in this listing, contact Carin at info@edmonds57.org. Please include Grade level, class number, row number and student number in row (from left).  EXAMPLE: "Grade 4, Class II, Row 1, 3rd from left: John Doe" 

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