Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
Alderwood Manor Grade School
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Edmonds Grade School Directory

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Grade 7, 1951-52
Mrs. Stallings

ROW 4 (top): Rodney Nopson, Eddie Haller, Leo Ortloff, Ray Walker, Paul Clement, ______?, Darrell Harrison
ROW 3: Jack Palo, Gary DeWitt, Linda Lindbloom, ______?, Annette Soderberg, ______?, Noreen Sylte, Pat Connott, ______?, ______?
ROW 2: ______?, ______?, ______?, Dolores Eckhart, Roxanne______?, Doris Owens, Sharon Forsgren, Nita Joachim, Harry Noah
ROW 1 (front): ______?, Danny Bartle, ______?, Dardin Price, Neal Stewart, ______?, Dick Simas, ______?
If you can supply any of the missing information in this listing, contact Carin at info@edmonds57.org. Please include Grade level, class number, row number and student number in row (from left).  EXAMPLE: "Grade 4, Class II, Row 1, 3rd from left: John Doe" 

Grade 7 - Al Svendson Grade 7, 1951-52
Al Svendson

ROW 4 (top): Willard Yost, Roger Hannan, Randall Hollaway (Carey), Reinette Smith, Carolyn Wilson, Glenda Savage, Charles Swinford, Eddie Carlson
ROW 3: Carol Bergerson, Geri Rosenbaum, Dot Hulse, Doris Johnson, Geraldine Sims, Virginia Langland, Ada Jeanne Dick, Deanne Axelson, Mr. Al Svendson
ROW 2: Virginia Hiscox, Christina Johnson, Mia Mudge, Marie Lynch, Bonnie Ward, Celeste Stevens, Norma Doty, Donald Stribly
ROW 1 (front): Ted Jonson, Larry Echart, Gary Whehi, Gerry First, Alvin Shaffer, James Bowers
If you can supply any of the missing information in this listing, contact Carin at info@edmonds57.org. Please include Grade level, class number, row number and student number in row (from left).  EXAMPLE: "Grade 4, Class II, Row 1, 3rd from left: John Doe" 

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