Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
2014 Picnic
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Ron Burke
Ron Burke
Diane Burke (Ron)
Diane Burke
Gary & Mary Lee
Gary & Mary Lee
Larry Kjolso '56
Larry Kjolso '56
Hank Rogers '56, Noel Barlament
Hank Rogers '56, Noel Barlament
Heavenly Tigers
Heavenly Tigers
Click on image for larger view. Use BACK arrow to return here.
Heavenly Teachers
Heavenly Teachers
Click on image for larger view. Use BACK arrow to return here.
Carolyn Reid
Carolyn Reid
Sharon Bailey
Sharon Bailey
Bruce Bailey
Bruce Bailey
Sandy (Forsgren) Konikson '58
Sandy (Forsgren) Konikson
Chuck Randall '58
Chuck Randall '58
Bea Randall
Bea Randall
Ward Phillips '58, Joanne (Bradbury) Peterson '58, Sharon Peterson '58
Ward Phillips '58, Joanne (Bradbury) Peterson '58, Sharon Peterson '58
Rich Fleming, Ed White '56
Rich Fleming, Ed White '56
'57 Tigers group photo
'57 Tigers
[click on image for larger view]

The gang's all here!
The gang's all here!
[click on image for larger view]

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