Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
60th Anniversary Reunion & Picnic ~ 2017
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60th Anniversary Reunion
Class of 1957, Edmonds High School

EDMONDS, WA, July 28, 2017. Eighty folks filled the foyer of the Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA) to celebrate the 60th Reunion of the Class of 1957. Classmates from 1956, 1957 and 1958, their spouses and guests, chatted and laughed while taking a tour of their former high school, led by Sarah Mixson, Rental/Stage Manager.

         Some classrooms have been repurposed into conference and meeting rooms. For example, the science lab is now the adinistrative office for the ECA, which didn't curb the comments and chuckles about memories of bygone antics in those rooms!

         The gymnasium is still functional, and painted in our school colors of purple and gold—a tribute to the Tigers who played here. (If you visit Edmonds, stop by and take a look).

          A short program, written and directed by Bruce Evans ('57), featured a chorus of class members leading us in singing the Alma Mater, and join in we did! Other songs of "our era" were sung, and Bruce recited a few fun-filled "Remembrances of the 50's" for our enjoyment. The audience reacted to it all with great enthusiasm!

          After the entertainment, group photos were taken outside, in front of the sun-lit building. A picnic at Starkenburgs followed the next day.

What we knew as Principal G. Mason Hall's office space during our Edmonds High School years became the foyer for the Edmonds Center for the Arts
An empty hallway calls ...
so we gather together for a walk into our past.
Ahh ... the old Study Hall.
photo 7213
Back into the hall for a little chit-chat
pic 7214
Neal & Mary Ogle, Mia Mudge Wallgren
Barrett Worthington, Colleen Meechan Yuhl & Mia Mudge Wallgren
Dee, Mia and Barrett head for the auditorium
It is completely redesigned and refurbished.
The science lab, now an Administrative Office
The gymnasium
Classsmates, spouses and guests return to the foyer
"Seems like old times ..."
Buz Bauman, Bruce Bailey (hidden), Dick Curry, Robin Sorenson Gates, Don Zagers, Barbra Feroe Zagers, Colleen Meechan Yuhl, Virginia Langland Bennett, Bruce Evans, Susie Olson Van Tine, Dorothy Tucker Railston, Jill Stanford, Lee Mullanax Calles, Gary Lee, Margie Kask Ruan
Back to front: Mike Yuhl (Colleen Meechan), Mary Lee (video camera), Gary Saaris (Carolyn Reid), Keith LaBelle
The entertainers sing—the audience approves!
Bruce Evans, Susie Olson Van Tine, Dorothy Tucker Railston, Lee Colby
Jill Stanford & Lee Mulanax Calles

bldg photo
Reunion attendees   (click photo for larger view)
1956 outside
Class of 1956 attendees
Class of 1958
Class of 1958 attendees

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