Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
55th Reunion - 2012
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55th Reunion EHS Class of '57

     On the evening of August 18, 2012, we, the Class of 1957 from Edmonds High School, gathered to celebrate our 55th anniversary. The location was the old EHS gymnasium, which was untouched during the renovation of the rest of the building. Greeted by our giant "Tiger", we enjoyed a catered dinner, some entertainment, and lots and lots of greeting and reminiscing with old friends.
     The last two photos in this collection [Page 4] are of classmates who tried, but couldn't make the festivities. Paul Clement drove to eastern Washington to visit the Hallers, who were unable to make the trip. And, Al and Janice Morgan are shown with their new motorhome ... which decided to break down at the last minute, leaving them high-and-dry in Calgary! We hope they, and the rest of our class, will mark their calendars now for next year's reunion picnic, to be held at the Starkenbergs on July 20, 2013.
Reunion 2012

A tour of our old "digs" begins the evening

Torun (Ekenes) Parker

Table setting by Dale Starkenberg

The "Tiger" roars!

Our teachers ... Jerry Karnofski & John Plesha

Bruce & Judy Evans with Jim Gates

Marie Lynch Peterson

Ruth & Rodney Nopson

Christine & Dave Goodwin

Colleen (Meechan) Yuhl, Torun (Ekenes) Parker

Judith (Muller) Jackson, Margie (Kask) Ruan

Bruce & Sharon Bailey

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