Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
55th Reunion - 2012
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Darla & Buz Bauman

Patricia (Caryl) & John Jorgenson

Lee (Mulanax) Calles, Gary Lee, Virginia (Langland) Bennett

Bob Billington

Maureen Thompson, Ruth Nopson

Colleen (Meechan) & Michael Yuhl

Ted Jonson, Pat (Marcinkiewicz) Pike

Bruce Bailey (our MC)

Barrett Worthington

Helga (Kvernenes) & John Barringer

David Bates, caught between Pam Mulanax Mitchell & Lee Mulanax Calles

Neal Ogle

Suzanne (Lozott) Gromko, Ada (Dick) Robinson

Dick Clausen, Virginia (Langland) Bennett

Carolyn Reid

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