Edmonds High School ~ Class of 1957
55th Reunion - 2012
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Bruce Evans, with his "choir"

Colleen (Meechan) Yuhl accompanies choir

Gary Saaris & Carolyn Reid

Susie (Olson) Van Tine

Rosemary (Wilson) Phillips

Dick Curry, Barrett Worthington, Bruce Evans

Suzanne (Lozott) & Bob Gromko

Ada (Dick) & Harry Robinson

Robin (Sorenson) & Jim Gates

Lee Colby

Janet (Witter) Goad

Ted Jonson, Pat (Marcinkiewicz)

Kay (Jacobson) & Larry Lohman

Gary & Mary Lee

Gary Lee, Paul Clement

Paul Shannon checks out pictures
as wife Marsha waits

Sally (Cleveland) & Eddie Haller, with Paul

Janice & Al Morgan, grandson, and balky motorhome

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